Code Butler
⚠️ ARCHIVED: Code Butler will be continued at just-seba/code-butler.
Code Butler is a command line tool and VS code extension for your C#
files at your service.
This tool is heavily inspired by CodeMaid. As it is available as as a stand-alone version and as a Visual Studio Code extension, this tool will provide similar features.
Using this tool will cleanup your C#
file by
- reorganizing the layout of the members in the C# file to follow Microsoft's StyleCop conventions
- sorting it's using directives
- removes trailing whitespace and consecutive blank lines
- (only in VS code extension) executing
Format Document
as described below.
VS code extension
- Run code cleanup on save (disabled by default)
Reorganize the layout of members in a C# file to follow Microsoft's StyleCop conventions
First by type:
- Field
- Constructor
- Destructor
- Delegate
- Event
- Enum
- Interface
- Property
- Indexer
- Operator
- Method
- Struct
- Class
Then by access modifier:
protected internal
private protected
Then by additional modifiers:
static readonly
- none
And finally alphabetically.
Warning: #region ... #endregion
is not supported.
Sort using directives
Sorts using directives alphabetically while placing System
directives first and taking into account the following order:
- "Normal" using directives
- Aliased using statements (e.g.
using MyAlias = Example.Bar
- Static using statements (e.g.
using static System.Math
using System;
using Example;
using Example.Foo;
using MyAlias = Example.Bar;
using static System.Math;
Removes trailing whitespace and consecutive blank lines
- Removes trailing whitespace.
- Removes consecutive blank lines.
Visual Studio Code Extension
Execute command Code Butler: Cleanup C# file
while editing a C#
file to clean it up.
File mode: dotnet CodeButler.Console.dll path/to/MyClass.cs
Pipe mode: type MyClass.cs | dotnet CodeButler.Console.dll > MyClass.Reorganized.cs