ngrok for vscode
A VSCode extension for controlling ngrok from the command palette.
If you enjoy using this extension, please consider sponsoring it on GitHub

ngrok: start : Start an HTTP tunnel pointing to a port of your choice from the command palette

You can choose to copy the URL to the clipboard, open it in a browser or even generate a QR code so that you can easily open it on a mobile device

ngrok: start : Start a named HTTP tunnel from your ngrok config

ngrok: stop : Stop one or all HTTP tunnels

ngrok: dashboard : Open the ngrok dashboard
Extension Settings
This extension contributes the following settings:
ngrokForVSCode.configPath : set a custom path to your ngrok config
Release Notes
- Updated dependencies
- Allowed for start and stop commands to receive arguments from other extension. Fixes #21
See the CHANGELOG for all release notes.
Phil Nash - GitHub • Website • Twitter
Other contributors
Thanks go to:
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