python-line-profiler (v0.4.0)
This is a very buggy beta. If you run into a problem, look at the known issues first. If your issue still isn't resolved, or you have an outstanding question, submit an issue If you find this useful and would like to see continued development, buy me a beverage by hitting the donate button at the top. ContentsFeaturesTo use
In the above example, line 92 is the brightest and therefore the most time consuming line of code. A test script can be used to profile the code if it uses Installation and RequirementsThis extension requires that Python 3.7+ is installed. It is recommended that the vscode Python extension (ms-python) is installed. One important thing to note is taht this extension installs libraries into the Python environment configured for the workspace. This is required since it runs scripts under the hood for profiling. It is expected that all the required packages for running a script have been installed into the configured environment. However, to run the code a few packages are needed and will be installed into the environment:
To ensure dependency conflicts are not injected into the environment, specific versions are not pinned. Extension Settings
Known IssuesThis is a very buggy beta. There are probably a lot of issues. Known issues are:
Possible issues based on the current code. If you run into these issues, please open an issue:
Release NotesThis is a buggy beta. If you're trying it out, give us some feedback in the issues! FundingDonations are appreciated to support the continued development of this project and future projects like it. A recurring donation can be set up using Libra Pay by clicking on the button below. |