✨ Features
- Supports custom configuration for multiple development environments.
- Supports real-time code synchronization.
- Supports recording and manually uploading changed code.
- Supports automatic building and packaging of front-end projects.
- Supports compressed code upload.
- Supports checking if the code is up-to-date with git before uploading, suitable for teams.
- Supports custom upload directories and exclusion of certain directories.
- Supports downloading remote files.
- Support for proxy settings
📖 Usage Instructions
Plugin Configuration
- By default, ignores files and folders like
.git , .svn , .DS_Store , Thumbs.db , .idea , node_modules , ssh_tools.jsonc , and runtime . Add others as needed.
- If a
.gitignore configuration file exists, the plugin will use it to determine ignored upload content.
Adding Project Configuration
Proxy settings, you need to set proxy = true in the following project configuration to enable it
Sample project configuration:
// Environment name, customizable
"test": { // Test environment
"host": "", // (Required) Server address
"port": 22, // (Optional) Port number, default is 22
"username": "username", // (Required) Login username
"password": "password", // Login password (or private key path, choose one)
// "privateKeyPath": "/your_path/id_rsa", // Private key path (or login password, choose one). Note: it's best not to place the key in the root directory of the code.
"proxy": false, // Whether to use proxy, default false
"upload_on_save": false, // Real-time submission after saving, recommended for single-person development. If set to true, watch, submit_git_before_upload, compress, and deleteRemote are ineffective. Default is false.
"watch": true, // Watch for file changes in the upload directory, default is true. If upload_on_save is true, this is ineffective. If distPath is configured, only changes in distPath are watched.
"submit_git_before_upload": true, // For team development, commits local git before uploading to prevent overwriting remote code, default is false.
"submit_git_msg": "", // Git commit message configuration, default is empty. If submit_git_before_upload is true and this is not filled, a prompt will appear to manually enter it.
// "build": "yarn build:test", // (Optional) Build command to execute, typically for front-end projects.
"compress": true, // Whether to compress and upload, then extract remotely (account needs SSH login support, system will auto-detect). Default is false.
//"remote_unpacked": true, // Whether to decompress the compressed file remotely after uploading, default true
//"delete_remote_compress": true, // Whether to delete the zip file after uploading, default true
//"delete_local_compress": true, // Whether to delete the local compressed file after uploading the compressed file, the default is true
"distPath": [], // (Optional) Local directories to upload, supports string or array. Default is the root directory.
"upload_to_root": false, // If there is only one distPath configuration directory, it is uploaded to the remotePath root directory. It is generally used to deploy front-end code. The default value is false
"deleteRemote": false, // Whether to delete the remote distPath directory before uploading. Generally used for clearing front-end deployment code. Default is false.
"remotePath": "/www/wwwtest/test", // (Required) Remote server address for uploading.
"excludePath": [] // (Optional) Files and directories to exclude from upload in the current environment. Merged with the plugin's excludePath. If using .gitignore, merges with .gitignore configuration.
"online": { // Production environment
"host": "",
"port": 22,
"proxy": true,
"username": "username",
"password": "password",
// "privateKeyPath": "/your_path/id_rsa",
"upload_on_save": false,
"watch": true,
"submit_git_before_upload": true,
"submit_git_msg": "",
// "build": "yarn build:online",
"compress": true,
// "remote_unpacked": true,
// "delete_remote_compress": true,
// "delete_local_compress": true,
"upload_to_root": false,
"deleteRemote": false,
"distPath": [],
"remotePath": "/www/wwwtest/online",
"excludePath": []
Upload Demonstrations
Real-time upload
Upload only changed data
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