OverviewC# Development Environment for Visual Studio Code DotRush is a FeaturesNavigation & RefactoringDotRush simplifies code navigation and refactoring with these quick actions:
DotRush (VSCode) vs C# Dev KitDotRush works indepdendanly of C# Dev Kit and may conflict in certain usage scenarios. That's why you need to disable C# Dev Kit to use DotRush. Here are a few advantigures offered by DotRush:
It's essential to note some limitations when compared to the C# Dev Kit:
IntelliSense in Multi-Target ProjectsDotRush offers IntelliSense for multiple Target Frameworks. For example, when you're working on a cross-platform application and your current target framework is Android, DotRush provides IntelliSense capabilities for iOS, too. Cross-Platform Error DetectionDotRush highlights errors and displays descriptions in all Target Frameworks used in your project. Multiple Project Management Empowering you with Code Workspaces DotRush lets you effortlessly combine multiple projects and apply different settings to them. DotRush seamlessly activates all features when you add a new folder to your workspace. Note that Quick FixesActivate error quick fixes by hovering over an error or clicking on the lamp icon: Code DecompilingWhen navigating to a class not included in your project, DotRush will decompile it with ICSharpCode Decompiler, allowing you to explore external libraries. |