The FirstSpirit extension for Visual Studio Code provides the following features inside VS Code:
Syntax-Highlighting of FirstSpirit template-tags
Get Started
Switch to FirstSpirit highlighting
Using the shortcut for language mode (Cmd+K M or Ctrl+K M), type fs, select FirstSpirit (fs)
Using the command palette (Cmd+Shift+P or Ctrl+Shift+P) then select Change Language Mode, type fs, select FirstSpirit (fs)
Using the language mode switcher at the bottom right of VS Code, type fs, select FirstSpirit (fs)
Switch back from FirstSpirit highlighting
Using the shortcut for language mode (Cmd+K M or Ctrl+K M), select Auto Detect
Using the command palette (Cmd+Shift+P or Ctrl+Shift+P) then select Change Language Mode, select Auto Detect
Using the language mode switcher at the bottom right of VS Code, select Auto Detect.
Why is FirstSpirit not auto-detected
Well, there is no FirstSpirit file-type, is there?
The files are always "something" like html (with FS-templating) or XML (with FS-templating) or fop (with FS-templating).
There's always some "content" and that is what's auto-detected (mostly depending on file-extensions). This way you can easily switch from content to templating.