>MSK: Open Current File In OrgShow the currently opened XML file in your Salesforce org via your browser (e.g. Account-Account Layout.layout-meta.xml opens the Page Layout Editor). This allows you to quickly confirm how the XML file is represented in the Salesforce org.
>MSK: Open OrgOpen any Scratch Org, Sandbox or Dev Hub in the browser or display its expiration date. This allows you to quickly switch between all authorized orgs and see to which Dev Hub they are related to.
>MSK: Delete Scratch OrgDelete any Scratch Org.
>MSK: Compare PermissionsIntelligently compare Permission Sets or Profiles between two branches and generate a merge file. This allows you to check for conflicts and provide a merged file before pushing your changes.
>MSK: Validate ChangesValidate your local changes against any Scratch Org or Sandbox. This allows you to check your changes before pushing them to remote.
>MSK: Open Help for Metadata TypeOpen the Metadata API online help for the currently opened file. This helps you to manually edit Metadata .xml files.
Opening a Metadata File in Salesforce
Comparing Permission Sets & Profiles
Validating Changes Against Any Org
Open Command Palette > Preferences: Open Settings (UI)
Search for "MSK"
Configure Default Working Directory and (optional) Default Compare Script Directory
Execute any command via Command Palette > MSK
>MSK: Open Current File In Org and >MSK: Compare Permissions can also be executed via the right-click context menu for any open file, directly from the editors action buttons or from the file explorer.
Comparing Permissions
Permission files (Profiles or Permission Sets) can be compared against their current version on any other branch to highlight conflicts.
Check out your other branch - e.g. master - (to compare changes against) and ensure it is up-to-date (as you want to compare against the most recent version).
Check out your feature/development branch (to compare changes from).
Use >MSK: Compare Permissions to select the Profile or Permission Set and your branch to compare against.
Receive a success message if merging concluded without conflicts or check the conflict file.
Note: Comparison is not done on a line-by-line basis as e.g. performed by Git, but by comparing the actual metadata and its content. Git-like comparison results in lots of false-positives and difficult to track changes.