Vim Enhanced
Keymaps for Vim extension to provide a more native Vim experience in VS Code. Inspired by Neovim configurations.
Install via Visual Studio Marketplace
Configuration defaults
The default leader key is Space
Relative lines are enabled by default.
"vim.leader": "space",
"editor.lineNumbers": "relative",
"editor.cursorSurroundingLines": 8,
"vim.replaceWithRegister": true,
"vim.highlightedyank.enable": true,
"vim.highlightedyank.color": "#a9dc7660",
"vim.useCtrlKeys": true,
"vim.incsearch": true,
"vim.hlsearch": true,
"vim.sneak": true,
"vim.handleKeys": {
"<C-space>": false,
"<C-e>": false,
"<C-h>": false,
"<C-j>": false,
"<C-k>": false,
"<C-l>": false,
"<C-y>": false,
"<C-s>": false,
"<C-w>": false,
"<C-d>": true
The mapping configuration uses the nvim name shortcuts as:
- Ctrl
- Shift
- Alt
- Space
Workspace Navigation
Use ctrl
and hjkl
to move the editor focus. This works for both splitted windows and things like file explorer, terminal, etc.
Use tab
and shift+tab
to move between editor tabs.
Use hjkl
to move in hover windows and file explorer.
Key |
Description |
<C-p> |
Go to file |
<C-h> |
Move focus left |
<C-j> |
Move focus down |
<C-k> |
Move focus up |
<C-l> |
Move focus right |
tab |
Cycle next editor |
<S-tab> |
Cycle previous editor |
<C-w>o |
Maximize focused editor |
]d |
Go to next diagnostic |
[d |
Go to prev diagnostic |
Additionally, ctrl+d
, ctrl+u
, n
and N
(when searching) will also center the screen on jumps.
File Explorer and File Navigation
Key |
Description |
<leader>ge |
Open explorer |
h |
Collapse directory |
l |
Expand directory |
j |
Move down |
k |
Move up |
a |
Add new file |
<S-a> |
Add new directory |
d |
Delete file |
x |
Cut file |
y |
Copy file |
p |
Paste file |
r |
Rename file |
v |
Open file to the side |
Key |
Description |
K |
Hover information |
g. |
Quick fix |
gd |
Go to definition |
gpd |
Go peek definition |
gI |
Go to implementation |
gpI |
Go peek implementation |
gr |
Go to reference |
gD |
Go to declaration |
gt |
Go to type definition |
gpt |
Go peek type definition |
<leader>r |
Rename |
<leader>f |
Format |
Editor Commands
Key |
Description |
<leader>e |
Hide/show sidebar |
<leader>ge |
Open explorer |
<leader>/ |
Find in files |
<leader>zz |
Zen Mode |
<leader>w |
Save file |
Key |
Description |
<C-n> |
Select next suggestion |
<C-p> |
Select prev suggestion |
<C-y> |
Accept selected suggestion |
Key |
Description |
<leader>y |
Copy into system clipboard |
<leader>p |
Paste from system clipboard |
if system clipboard is disabled