Projects Browser
VS Code extension to show all your projects in a dedicated side bar. Inspired from:
- Define via settings a list of folders to scan for projects
- Supports different type of projects
- Display found projects in a tree view
- Customize the icons used to display folders and projects
- Add selected projects to a dedicated favorites subview
- Open projects in current window or new window
Supported projects types
- Git: identified by presence of
.git folder inside project folder
- VS Code: identified by presence of
.vscode folder inside project folder
- Idea: identified by presence of
.idea folder inside project folder
Extension Settings
Command |
Description |
Default Value |
projectsBrowser.defaultProjectIcon |
Default icon to use for projects |
Codicon git-branch |
projectsBrowser.defaultFolderIcon |
Default icon to use for folders |
Codicon folder |
projectsBrowser.promptOpenConfirmation |
Confermation pop up when opening in current window |
true |
projectsBrowser.rootFolders |
Configuration Json for folders in which to look for projects, see section for complete example |
[] |
Projects Folders
Projects folders need to be configured via settings.json and have the following structure:
"projectsBrowser.rootFolders": [
"rootFolder": "path/to/projects/root",
"recurseAfterFirstHit": false,
"maxDepth": 1,
"projectsType": "git|vscode|idea",
"customIcons": [
"matcher": "regex to match, applys to full path",
"icon": "icon codicon name or path to custom icon",
"applysTo": "folder|project"
Release Notes
Initial release
| |