Marp for VS CodeCreate slide deck written in Marp Markdown on VS Code. We will enhance your VS Code as the slide deck writer. Mark
See the documentation of Marpit Markdown and the features of Marp Core about how to write.
UsageMarp features will be enabled when
You can create a new Marp Markdown document from "New File..." menu (Alt + Ctrl + Win + N / Alt + Cmd + Ctrl + N) to start writing a slide deck quickly.
FeaturesPreview Marp MarkdownWhile enabled Marp features by If you are not familiar with editing Markdown on VS Code, we recommend to learn what you can do in VS Code documentation at first. IntelliSense for Marp directivesDirectives, the inherited feature from Marpit framework, is an important syntax to write the deck in Marp. If enabled Marp feature by Auto completionMarp for VS Code can suggest global/local directives supported by Marp ecosystem. We remember all so you may forget them! 😛 Hit Ctrl + Space within the front-matter or HTML comment to show the list of directives. You can peek the help of selected directive by hitting Ctrl + Space again.
Some directives such as Highlight and hover helpThe key of recognized directives are highlighted in the different color from the around. This visualization may help to find out meaningless definitions. And you can see the help of a defined directive by hovering cursor on the recognized directive.
DiagnosticsMarp for VS Code can detect some basic problems in Marp directives. Diagnostics will help following our recommended way for writing slides.
Export slide deck to HTML, PDF, PPTX, and image 🛡️We have integrated Marp CLI to export your deck into several formats. To export the content of active Markdown editor, open the quick pick from Marp icon on toolbar and select "Export slide deck...". (
You can also execute command from the Command Palette (F1 or Ctrl/Cmd+Shift+P). Supported file types
Default file type can choose by the
Use custom theme CSS 🛡️You can register and use custom theme CSS for Marpit / Marp Core by setting
It's very similar to a way for using custom styles in ordinary Markdown preview. The registered theme can use by specifying theme name in
Markdown preview will reload updated theme CSS automatically when you edited the registered local CSS file. It's very useful for creating your own theme.
Outline extensionWhen Marp Markdown is enabled, you can use the extended outline view like following. They are enabled by default but you may disable by the Outline view for each slideWe extend the outline view to support slide pages in Marp Markdown.
Slide folding in editorYou can fold the content of slide in editor while editing Marp Markdown.
SecurityWorkspace TrustSome features that may met malicious are restricted in the untrusted workspace/window. Please read VS Code's user guide for details. Features may be restricted are marked by the shield icon 🛡️ in this documentation. Marp for VS Code is available even if the current workspace is not trusted but you can use only a basic Marp preview and IntelliSense. HTML elements in Markdown 🛡️In the trusted workspace, if Marp Markdown was included HTML elements, only selectivity HTML elements by Marp can render by default. You can control which HTML elements will be rendered by setting the You can control which HTML elements will be rendered by setting the In the untrusted workspace, HTML elements in Marp Markdown will be always ignored regardless of the selected option in
Web extensionYou can use Marp extension in VS Code for the Web environment like and Try opening, with an environment that has installed Marp extension. The web extension has some limitations:
ContributingAre you interested in contributing? Please see and the common contributing guideline for Marp team. AuthorManaged by @marp-team.
LicenseThis extension releases under the MIT License. |