F Brackets
💫 Magical Brackets: move on the fly 💫
When a glowing box wraps a bracket, you can quickly move brackets with:
Cmd+▲ Cmd+▼ move by line
Cmd+◀ Cmd+▶ by token
Cmd+Alt+◀ Cmd+Alt+▶ by character
Brackets are wrapped while typing, or use Cmd+G to toggle magical mode.

💥 Split Lines / HTML Attrs 💥
Put caret on the bracket (or HTML tag name), then toggle line breaks with 💡code actions ( shortcut: Cmd+. then press B to quickly find it )

🔥 Complete Brackets 🔥
- at end of line, use
Cmd+▶ to complete brackets
- works on new lines too

Extension Settings
Known Issues
The bracket matching algorithm is not perfect, so it might not work in some cases (eg. some JSX and HTML case)
The completing algorithm is based on indent, I hope you have a decent code formatting.
The parser is language-irrelative, so it doesn't complete , or ; for you.
Release Notes
Initial release of fix-brackets
Improve algorithm about bracket matching
- Support grouping
<tag />
- Support fuzzing match for malformed bracket pairs
- Improve behaviors on line breaks.
Extended scan range, including brackets in comments and string literals
- Move brackets in string and comment
- Complete block comments'
*/ with Cmd+▶
- Complete brackets in string
- Use
Alt+◀ and Alt+▶ to move by one character. (in case things goes weird)
Improve default settings
- Use
Cmd+Alt+◀ and Cmd+Alt+▶ to move by character, cause I find Alt+▶ is more meaningful for moving caret.
Feature: split lines 🚀 put caret on a bracket or its nearby spaces, then use Cmd+. to split / join lines of its content.
Feature: split HTML attributes 🚀 put caret on a HTML tag name, then use Cmd+. to split / join attributes to lines.
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