Install the extension from the Marketplace.
Python2go can install pip's from a gist.
Python2Go: Check Installation checks if python is installed on your system.
Python2Go: Install pip package installs a pip package (with the `--user on windows)
Python2Go: Uninstall pip package uninstalls a pip package
Python2Go: Upgrade pip package (latest version) upgrades a pip package
Python2Go: Upgrade pip upgrades a the pip package
commands for other plugins
These commands will not show up in the command palette:
python2go.isPythonInstalled: Thenable<boolean>
python2go.pip: Thenable<TaskMessage> execute pip/pip3 commands. e.g.
vscode.commands.executeCommand("python2go.pip", "install pylint");
// --> osx `pip3 install pylint`
// --> win `pip install pylint`
python2go.sudoPip: Thenable<TaskMessage> execute pip/pip3 commands in elevated/sudo shell. e.g.
vscode.commands.executeCommand("python2go.sudoPip", "install pylint");
// --> osx `sudo -H pip3 install pylint`
// --> win in elevated powershell: `pip install pylint`
python2go.pipPackages: Thenable<{ package: string, version: string}[]>
python2go.installationLocation: Thenable<TaskMessage> returns the installation location of python
To install the node modules, run
yarn install
pack and publish
vsce package
vsce publish
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