Anki Card Template Editor
Edit and update Anki deck's card templates in VS Code using AnkiConnect
- Select notetype from drop down to create html and styling of card template
- Edit and update front, back and styling of card template
- Option to update single card type or deck notetype
- Backup directory created with original html and css
It is recommended to create backup of Anki decks before using this extension.
Create Card Template Directory
- Install anki-card-template-editor extension
- Create html files for front, back and styling using commands provided in the extension, use
Ctrl + Shift + P to open command window and type create
- Select
Create Anki Card Template Directory
- Select notetype listed in menu
- Enter directory name to store files in it
- It will create html files for each card in a notetype
Update Current File to Card
- Open file to edit
- Click
send icon button to update current file to card in notetype
Update full notetype
- Edit multiple files
- Click
sync icon button to update full notetype with each card
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