About SSHExtension
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This extension allows you to open an SSH connection in the integrated terminal.
The extension was created in order to have access to the SSH in conjunction with the already available access to the FTP.
You can use configurations from another extensions (e.g. ftp-simple)
The connection opens in a new instance of the integrated terminal.
SSH port forwarding.
How to use
Open terminal from server list
- Open the Command Palette (usually
or Ctrl+Shift+P
- Select the command
SSHExtension: Open SSH Connection
- Select a server from the list.
![Demo Open connection from list](https://github.com/VitalyKondratiev/SSHExtension/raw/master/./images/open_connection_from_list.gif)
Fast open terminal
- Open workspace with project mapped to server
- Open any project file or go to already opened editor tab
- Click on "Open SSH on <servername>" button
![Demo Open connection from list](https://github.com/VitalyKondratiev/SSHExtension/raw/master/./images/open_fast_connection.gif)
SSH port forwarding
- Open the Command Palette (usually
or Ctrl+Shift+P
- Select the command
SSHExtension: SSH Port Forwarding
- Select a forwarding type from:
Local to remote
(-L), Local to remote
(-D), Recently used
(if exists saved arguments).
- Enter the required parameters on request.
- (Optionally) You can save your selections for faster port forwarding in the future.
![Demo Open connection from list](https://github.com/VitalyKondratiev/SSHExtension/raw/master/./images/port_forwarding.gif)
To add a server, see Settings section.
You should still have an ssh agent, not necessarily that it is available in the entire system. it is important that it is accessible from the integrated VSCode terminal.
Settings (for servers)
You can use ready-made config file from this extensions (if you use):
Or you can use extension settings simply add sshextension.serverList
Extension settings
You can describe servers config in this parameter as array of objects.
Server object parameters:
- name (string)* - name of server (showing in picks list if
is false
- host (string)* - server hostname.
- port (number) - SSH port.
- username (string)* - username for authentication.
- password (string) - password for authentication.
- privateKey (string) - string that contains a path to private key.
- project (object) - specify local workspace path and server root path for fast terminal open.
- path (string) - used for change directory after server connection.
- customCommands (array of strings) - specifies custom commands which will execute on session start
For example:
"sshextension.serverList": [
"name": "Example server",
"host": "example.com",
"port": 22,
"username": "user",
"privateKey": "D:\\id_rsa",
"project": {
"D:/projects/project": "/home/user/project",
"D:/projects/yet_another_project": "/home/user/yet_another_project"
"path": "/",
"customCommands": [
Specifies custom commands which will execute on session start.
For example:
"sshextension.customCommands": [
![Demo Custom commands](https://github.com/VitalyKondratiev/SSHExtension/raw/master/./images/custom_commands.gif)
- Type:
- Defaut:
Open the project directory from the ftp-simple config, if it exists, after starting the SSH session.
For example:
"sshextension.openProjectCatalog": true
In this place stored all saved port forwarding args. You can save the arguments for port forwarding, which you often use.
For example:
"sshextension.recentlyUsedForwardings": [
"-R 9000:localhost:9000"
- Type:
- Defaut:
Allow you open few connections for one server at the same time.
For example:
"sshextension.allowMultipleConnections": true
- Type:
- Defaut:
Show usernames and hosthames in pick lists instead on server names.
For example:
"sshextension.showHostsInPickLists": true
Add the ability to work with an external terminal.
Open SSH connections in Putty.
And a few more ~~secret (before their release)~~ features... ).
Special thanks
Added ability to use different port in ssh connections (pull request merged in version 0.1.2)
I want to make a really useful extension, if you find a bug, please create an issue at github.
If you have suggestions to the functional, then write to the same.
And also if it's not difficult for you, leave a comment in the marketplace.