StylighterThis extension allows you to highlight styled-components such as NOTICE:We have two variations of this extension: Stylighter for Stylighter for You can install only one of them, or both in case if you want styled-components highlighted in both PreviewAs you can see on the preview below, this extension only changes the styles of styled-components tags, and your theme colors wont be touched, you can set any color or others types of styles for styled-components tags, see Requirements1) For this extension to work, you will need to import your styled-components using naming conventions: *you don't have to import your styled-components exactly this way, but in the end you should use them in JSX as object values, for example <Styled.Title /> learn more about advantages of such naming convention here, here and here 2) Set highlight styles of your choice (see next section). SettingsTo set styles for your styled-components tags, navigate to You can: 1) Set styles separately for all prefixes: 2) Set styles globally and/or specifically for theme. Examples below are self-explanatory Global settings Theme-specific settings learn more about token customizations. |