Create valid JSON schema file then right click on the file and select JSONForms Vuetify: Show Preview to preview the form.
To further customize the preview you can create the following files next to the JSON schema file.
File Name
Defines JS functions that are going to be used to handle button actions and also any form change notifications
Specify the config object that is going to be used by JSON Forms. If not specifid then extension setting jsonforms-vuetify-tooling.showPreview.config is going to be used.
Specify the initial data that should be present in the form
Internationalization form data
Specify the default Vuetify preset object. If not specifid then extension setting jsonforms-vuetify-tooling.showPreview.preset is going to be used.
Any custom CSS to be used by the form
Defines initial data to be used by TemplateLayout renderers used in the form.
Defines the form layout, if not provided a default VerticalLayout is going to be used.
Defines reusable uischema snippets
For example page that uses all features take a look at Basic Example
Files must be named with the same prefix as the JSON schema file. So if the JSON schema file is index.schema.json then the UI Schema file have to be index.uischema.json. If you want to not prefix the file and have the JSON schema file as schema.json then the UI schema for example have to be named uischema.json
The preview tool expects the form change notification function to be named onChange and the handle action function to be named onHandleAction. Those functions can be named differently when using the web component directly.