Quickly convert rows of whitespace separated key-value pairs to a map
Current language support: JavaScript, Python, Ruby, C++, Java
Quickly convert whitespace separated values to an array
Current language support: JavaScript, Python, Ruby, C++, Java, OCaml
To use, open the Command Palette (Cmd+Shift+P) and find the feature you would like to use and search for the appropriate category it falls in. The functions will apply to highlighted text, and if there is no highlighted text they search before the cursor until a whitespace line or the start of the file, and after the cursor until a whitespace line or EOF
If you have any suggestions, please open an issue in the Github repository
Extension Settings
quick-type.stringRegex: Defines the regex for a single word for string functions
quick-type.valueRegex: Defines the regex for a single value for data structure functions
quick-type.readUntilEnd: Read values until EOF or whitespace line when there is no highlighted text. If false, only read one line
Known Issues
None-- if you find one, please open an issue in the Github repository :)
Release Notes
Users no longer have to highlight text
Values will be read in util EOF or a whitespace line is found
Bug fixes
Support for different types of maps
Added option to choose from different languages when user is not using a supported language