Autodesk Interactive DebuggerUse the Visual Studio Code editor and debugger with your Autodesk® Interactive projects! Find the extension here, in the Visual Studio Code marketplace. 1.5 (New features and bug fixes)
DescriptionThis extension makes Visual Studio Code into a full-featured code editing debugging environment for your Autodesk Interactive projects. You can connect the debugger to a running engine, launch a project, trigger breakpoints and step through your project's Lua code, view variable values, send commands to the engine, and more. If you haven't heard about Autodesk Interactive yet, check out the following links:
Step 1. Install the extensionBring up the Extensions view by clicking the Extensions icon in the Activity Bar on the left side of Visual Studio Code, or selecting View > Extensions ( Search for For more about installing extensions, see the Visual Studio Code user guide. Step 2. Open your project folderOpen your Autodesk Interactive project folder in Visual Studio Code. This will be your workspace, where Visual Studio Code will keep your debug configurations. Select File > Open Folder ( You can make any folder on your computer your workspace, but using your project's resources folder has the advantage of keeping your debug configurations together with the project that you'll be using them with. It also makes the Lua files in your project easy to get to in the editor while you're working. Step 3. Create your debug configurationsA debug configuration tells the Visual Studio Code debugger what it should do when you start debugging: whether it connect to a running process or launch a new process, and what settings and parameters it should use for the connection. You can read some background about these configs here. You'll have to create at least one new debug configuration in order to make the debugger able to attach to or launch the Autodesk Interactive engine.
Attach to a running engineYou can make the Visual Studio Code debugger connect to a running instance of the Autodesk Interactive engine. Use the following launch configuration:
Launch a project and attachYou can make the Visual Studio Code debugger launch the Autodesk Interactive engine with a specific project, and immediately attach itself to that instance of the engine. The engine will wait for the debugger to connect and start the debugging session before it runs any Lua initialization code. Launching the game from the debugger like this makes it easy to trigger breakpoints in your initialization code: To set this up, use a launch configuration like this:
You don't have to provide any command-line parameters. The debugger extension will set the ones it needs, like Step 5. Start debugging!
If the debugger is able to connect to the game, it will show the Debug actions pane. You should now be able to open your project or editor script files and set up some breakpoints. Debugging featuresSet breakpoints, inspect and advanceYou can set breakpoints in any Lua scripts from your project and from the core resources. Open the script file and click in the left margin next to a line of code: Whenever the engine evaluates a line of code that has a breakpoint set, it pauses. While it's paused, you can:
Read console messagesJust like the Log Console in the Autodesk Interactive editor, the Debug Console in Visual Studio Code prints out all console messages sent by the connected engine: If any of those messages contain ID strings known to the engine (e.g. Send engine commandsYou can send console commands to the engine from the Debug Console. Prefix the commands with ![engine commands]( commands.gif) You can also send commands from the Command Palette. Open the Command Palette, type For a list of all available console commands and their parameters, see the Autodesk Interactive help. Send engine scriptsEverything that you type in the Debug Console that is not prefixed with Code editing featuresThis extension does more than just debugging: it also adds some extra features to the code editor that you'll find especially handy when you work with Autodesk Interactive projects. Autodesk Interactive Lua API hovering supportHover over any function from the Autodesk Interactive API to get the function's signature and brief description: Autodesk Interactive Lua API function signaturesYou'll also be reminded of the signature and description as you type the opening bracket for a function: Syntax highlighting for SJSON resourcesThe code editor shows appropriate syntax highlighting for Autodesk Interactive resource types that use SJSON format, like .unit, .level, and .script_flow_nodes. Feedback and contributions welcome!If you tried out this extension, why not leave us a note on its marketplace home page? We'd love to hear feedback about your experience, and any suggestions you have for things we could improve or add. If you'd like to get involved in adding more features, come on over to our GitHub repository. You can use the Issues tab to start a discussion, or jump right in and make your own fork. |