This vscode plugin adds: navigation hotkeys for dia.js framework
hotkeys to navigate:
alt + g = get_item
alt + s = select
alt + d = js/data current type: item or roster
alt + m = js/view item
alt + w = js/view roster
alt + e = html current type: item or roster
F5 = goto type model, switch to type_vw if already model
F12 = copy Content data view html Model to new screen: asks name of new screen
run all tests (including e2e)
npm test && npm run e2e
run all unit tests
npm test
run single unit test by name tag
npx jest -t 'popup'
run e2e tests
npm run e2e
build *.vsix package
vsce package (npm install -g vsce first)
Debug in vscode:
open vludik folder
run - Start debugging
set breakpoints, etc.
Ctrl Shift P - Install extensions - search vludik in marketplace