Coding Comments SnippetsWorking Draft A snippet extension for generation TODO messages with emojis for easier comprehension and organization, see TODO NUKEM Convention. 🎬 DemoGenerate Comment📰 InstallationInstall this extension from the VSCode Marketplace 🚀 UsageIn supported languages, you can type "todo" or "fixme" and then press the Tab key to activate the different options.
✨ Supported LanguagesDefined in the Line Comment:
Block Comment:
For example, CSS uses block comments like And TypeScript could use line comments like If a language you need is missing, feel free to open a PR and contribute! ❓FAQHow can I enable snippet suggestions in comments in VSCode?By default, snippet suggestions are not active in comments in VSCode. If you want to enable this feature, you need to adjust your settings. In User Settings search for
For more questions and answers, please visit our Q&A Discussions. ❤️ SupportIf you find this project helpful, please consider giving it the Convention Repo a star on GitHub. We do not currently offer direct support for this project. 🗺️ Roadmap
💎 SponsorEvidenWe appreciate the support from Eviden, helping us continue our open source work. ✍️ Authors (in alphabetical order)⚖️ LicenseSee the LICENSE file for details. ℹ️ DisclaimerPlease note that this project, TODO NUKEM, is not officially associated with or endorsed by the Duke Nukem franchise or its creators. It is an independent project developed by the open-source community and does not claim any rights to the Duke Nukem trademark or any related materials. ✨ ContributorsThanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):
This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome! |