Presenter Pro for Visual Studio CodeThis Visual Studio Code extension pack includes a set of extensions that can help presenters while showing code live in person or over recorded. Install
Extensions IncludedHere is the list of extensions the pack includes: DimmerGet Dimmer here Enable dimmer and set a subtle delay in the dimmer to reduce the API calls. I keep the dimmer disabled until I need it, then turn it off again.
PeacockGet Peacock here I change the accent color of the activity bar and status bar with Peacock. You can use any of the favorites, choose a random color, or enter your own custom color. This is helpful for the audience when you show 2 different projects in a presentation, because they can more easily see the difference between them.
Power ModeGet Power Mode here I only enable power mode for fun, use sparingly. I do not recommend enabling "shake" during presentations.
Winter is Coming ThemeGet Winter is Coming here I prefer the dark blue theme, but the light theme can be helpful when the projector shows dark colors as washed out.
ChangesSee the CHANGELOG for the latest changes. Resources |