This project aims to provide a set of Snippets or shortcuts for creating components and configuration files in ReactJS/React Native applications.
Getting Started
To install an extension you can run Command Pallete through the command Ctrl + Shift + P or Cmd + Shift + P , type Install Extensions and finally press Enter, then search by Rowena React Snippets and you will find the extension.
Supported Languages
JavaScript (.js)
TypeScript (.ts)
JavaScript React (.jsx)
TypeScript React (.tsx)
Below is a list of all available Snippets and the triggers for each one. The ⇥ stands for the TAB key.
rfc →
Create a functional component
styled-react →
Create a styles file for ReactJS (Styled Components)
styled-react-native →
Create a styles file for React Native (Styled Components)
api →
Create API instance (Axios)
us →
Create useState call
ue →
Create useEffect call
uc →
Create useCallback call
um →
Create useMemo call
un →
Create useNavigation call (React Navigation))
usl →
Create useSelector call (Redux)
ud →
Create useDispatch call (Redux)
slice →
Create a slice file (Redux Toolkit)
store-react →
Create Store file for ReactJS (Redux)
store-react-native →
Create Store file for React Native (Redux)
root-reducer →
Create Root Reducer file (Redux)
root-saga →
Create Root Saga file (Redux)
reactotron-react →
Create reactotron config file for ReactJS (Reactotron)
reactotron-react-native →
Create reactotron config file for React Native (Reactotron)
Fork the project
Create a Branch for your Feature (git checkout -b feature/FeatureAmazing)
Add your changes (git add .)
Commit your changes (git commit -m 'Adding an awesome Feature!)
Push the Branch (git push origin feature/FeatureAmazing)
Open a Pull Request
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.