Pubspec AssistEasily add dependencies to your Dart / Flutter project.Pubspec Assist is a Visual Studio Code extension that allows you to easily add dependencies to your Dart and Flutter project's UsageSimply open the Command Palette (by default, Then, choose any of the available options (see the video above). Pro-tip: You can search for multiple packages at a time by separating every package name with a comma ( DownloadDownload the latest version here. FeaturesGet the latest version for your packages.Pubspec Assist will get you the latest version of whatever package you are looking for, puts it in your Never leave VS Code.Forget going to the to search for your packages and copy the dependency text. Smart (Fuzzy) search.Pubspec Assist is smart about finding what you're trying to search for. Automatically sort dependencies.Pubspec Assist automatically sorts your dependencies after adding a new package. Already have your dependencies set up? Just use the sort command to instantly sort your existing dependencies. Compatible with multiple projects.Pubspec Assist will add your new dependencies to the Requirements
RoadmapSome features that are planned for the future, in order of expected implementation.
Bugs and feature requestsIf you have any bugs or feature requests to report, please check out the issues on the GitHub repository or create a new one. |