BedrockPalBedrockPal is a Visual Studio Code extension that allows you to use the Bedrock API to write, refactor, and improve your code. Get for VSCodeSearch for "BedrockPal" in the VSCode extension search. Or install directly: Or build this extension yourself (see below). About this forkThis is a refactored version of the popular, but now discontinued vscode-chatgpt extension but for Amazon Bedrock. Full credit to @gencay for building the original extension and open-sourcing it. Note that this version is API-only, the browser code was not open-sourced by Gencay (due to OpenAI ToS issue). InstallationTo set up the project, first clone the repository:
Next, change into the project directory and install the dependencies using Yarn:
Running ScriptsYou can run the following scripts using Yarn: Build the extension
Watch for changes and rebuild automatically
Format the code using Prettier and run tests with fixes
Run tests using ESLint and TypeScript
Testing the Extension in Visual Studio CodeTo test the bedrockpal extension in Visual Studio Code, follow these steps:
TechYarn - TypeScript - VSCode Extension API - React - Redux - React Router - Tailwind CSS
LicenseThis project is licensed under the ISC License - see the LICENSE file for details. |