Cassidy Dark Theme
OverviewCassidy Dark is a clean, modern Visual Studio Code theme initially inspired by the Monokai color palette. The theme was designed with pure shades of gray for the workbench, so the syntax color highlighting pops with no bias towards any single color. Added TokensSince VSCode does not often update syntax grammar, the Cassidy Dark theme updates the CSS and SCSS grammar to include syntax highlighting for modern features. When possible, these updates will be pushed and merged into the official vscode-css repo and then removed from here. Added tokens:
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InstallationSearch for Cassidy Dark Theme in the Visual Studio Code's Extensions Marketplace or click the install button on the Cassidy Dark Theme Marketplace page. You can also manually install the theme by cloning the github repository into What's New?View the Changelog to see the latest changes to the Cassidy Dark theme.
Issues?If you come across any issues, please feel free to report them here. You can also create a pull request to add any improvements. |