heta-highlight-vscode package
The package is plugin for Visual Studio Code editor to highlight the Heta language code.
This is part of Heta project.
Installation from VS Marketplace
- From VSCode menu: Extensions (Ctrl+ Shift +X) -> Search -> "heta"
- It is recommended to use "Dark+" or "Light+" theme. See File -> Preferences -> Color Theme
Development mode
Press F5
Publishing in VS Marketplace
# npm i
# npx vsce login
npx vsce publish # or npm run publish
Converting to .sublime-syntax
Way 1 - Sublime only
- Install Sublime text: https://www.sublimetext.com/3
- Open Sublime text with file
- Install Package Control: https://packagecontrol.io/installation
- Tools => Command Palette... (ctrl+shift+p in Windows), type
install package
- Select and install
- Tools => Command Palette... (ctrl+shift+p in Windows), type
PackageDev: Convert (YAML... , Convert to property list
- Rename
heta.plist to heta.tmLanguage
- Tools => Developer => New Syntax from heta.tmLanguage
- Save file
heta.sublime-syntax to C:\Users<user>\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 3\Packages\User
Way 2 - VSCode
- in VSCode install Package
TextMate Languages
- View => Command Palette (ctrl+shift+p in Windows) type:
Convert to tmLanguage PLIST...
- Save to
heta.tmLanguage and use Sublime for other actions (#8)
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