Custom VSCode LinterSome bugs are hard to notice during code reviews, or can be easily forgotten despite attempts at sharing knowledge across the team. Some of those bugs are also easy for a code linter to flag. This linter flags common bugs I've encountered, so you can fix them before code review, and without having to remember to check for them. Install it on VS Code: Examples of things it catches:
Future work / Suggestions: If you want to understand how it works under the hood:I suggest you start reading at If you want to experiment with the source code:
The key file to edit is If you want to try it yourself from scratch:
edit extension.ts edit edit package.json (add publisher and repository)
(in VS Code:) Ctrl+Shift+P VSIX (get token as per steps in references) edit package.json (update version) edit package-lock.json (update version)
Aside:If you keep trying to use the VSIX in VS Code and it doesn't update, check if the extension is disabled. References I Used: |