TestStory (beta) - VSC editor for scrum stories with testsWrite scrum stories with tests before engineers write first line of application code. Your stories (*.story) are valid cucumber tests built from set of declared rules (*.rules) and variables (*.var). You can create any number of stories, rules and varibles to describe your application. Later e2e enginners will implement those declarations as cucumber steps and pages to use your stories as valid selenium tests You can install beta version from Visual Studio Code MarketplaceDeclarative storiesYou can write stories before engineers start to develop code IntelliSenseFull Intelisense based on declarations of rules and variables Quick fix errors in E2E testsEditor supports rich error diagnostics to help write bug free tests NavigationFast navigation between stories and declaration of rules and variables PerspectiveOwn perspective with all stories, rules and variables Story as documentationEditor support markdown grammar Source codeGitHub: https://github.com/grzesiek110/teststory