
Extension made for you, who also uses this powerful library and doesn't like to waste time.
To that extent, you find snippets of snippets of code, or even entire classes, generated with just a few keystrokes,
it's quick and easy.
We came to make your development with Get easy !!!
So get out front and start using, it's just 50 snippets, with fully intuitive prefixes, so you don't forget :D
The extension was made so that we can start a complete functional project without any necessary changes.
If you are with us until now or just arrived, you will also like this documentation that I have prepared with love to help you :heart: use GetX in an easy and intuitive way! know getx_pattern
vscode ^1.43.0
sdk: flutter
get: ^3.2.0 ou >
Import errors can appear until all files are created.
When all files are created, just import all dependencies to resolve all errors.
Proposed structure -> subsequent changes will not change the current structure
- /app
- /data
- /services
- service.dart
- /model
- model.dart
- /provider
- provider.dart
- /modules
- /name_module
- page.dart
- controller.dart
- binding.dart
- repository.dart
- /widgets
- reusable_module_widget.dart
- /global_widgets
- reusable_global_widget.dart
- /routes
- my_routes.dart
- my_pages.dart
- /core
- /theme
- text_theme.dart
- app_theme.dart
- /utils
- /keys
- /helpers
- /values
- /strings
- /colors
- main.dart
# proposed by william Silva
examples available in this repository:
getx_pattern_site and getx_example
See complet exemple
not yet available
- Classes
Here you will find snippets that generate incredible complete classes quickly and easily.
- Functions and Variables
Here you will find snippets that will help you to create various types of variables and functions quickly and easily.
- Widgets
Here you will find snippets that will help you create widgets quickly and easily.
- Widgets Component
Here you will find reusable widgets, made in a stateless widgets ready to be consumed by several widgets.

Quickly rewrite your file main.dart
getmain snippet will bring you the complete class, you just need to set your home
Using: In your main class, delete all the content and start writing getmain,
wait for the snippet and that's it !

Create classes for your objects quickly and easily.
getmodel snippet a complete model will return, with the functions fromJson and toJson.
Using: In an empty file, start writing getmodel,
Wait for the snippet, name your class and you're done

Create classes observable along with a dart class for your objects quickly and easily.
getrxmodel snippet a complete model will return, with the functions fromJson and toJson.
Using: In an empty file, start writing getrxmodel,
Wait for the snippet, name your class and you're done

Quickly create, Stateless classes with widget and reactive features provided by Get, GetX,
getpage snippet, will bring you a complete stateless class, you only need to indicate:
- The name of your Page;
- The name of your Repository;
- The widget parent of GetX.
- The name of your Controller,
- The widget child of GetX.
Using: When creating a file my_page.dart empty, you can start by writing getpage,
wait for the snippet, define the necessary data and ready!!
IMPORTANT TIP: To take full advantage of using this extension, when generating classes with more than one attribute to be defined, you can define them sequentially, every full word press TAB to go to the next expected attribute, many snippets do that.

Quickly create, a class to manage your Routes with Get
getroutepages snippet, will bring you a complete Route class, you just need to add more routes.
Using: When creating a file app_pages.dart empty, you can start by writing getpagesroutes,
wait for the snippet and that's it !
We decided to separate your routes from their ** getpage ** functions through a ** part and part of ** so that your file is smaller and can make it easier to refactor your project, changing your routepage only in its ** app_routes file constant. dart **

Now that you have the routes class, easily add another route with navigation Get
getpageroute snippet, will bring you complete route, you will only define the url and your page in an easy way.
Using: Inside the file app_pages.dart, in our class created with getpagesroutes, you can start by writing getpageroute for adding new route page !
wait for the snippet and that's it !

Now that you have our App Pages class in our app_pages.dart file, let's create a new file at the same level, within the routes folder.
Give it the name app_routes, it will only be responsible for saving your routes in constants, this will facilitate the location of your routes and you can exchange all the flames of a single route just by changing the value of your constant for that. So come on.
with the app_routes.dart file created, start typing getroutes.
This will return us a small abstract class with its constants and some example routes :D

Now that you have the routes class, easily add another route with navigation Get
getroute snippet, will bring you complete route, you will only define the url and your page in an easy way.
Using: Inside the file app_routes.dart, in our class created with getroutes, you can start by writing getroute,
wait for the snippet and that's it !

Quickly create Controller classes with RxController from Get.
getcontroller snippet, will bring you a complete Controller class.
Using: When creating a new file my_controller.dart empty, start writing getcontroller,
wait for the snippet, set the data and you're done!
Or, for a simple controller, getcontrollervoid.
Quickly create Repository classes for your entities.
getrepository snippet, will bring you a complete Repository class, including an example of a complete crud that complements itself when you generate the provider with getprovider.
Using: When creating a new file my_repository.dart empty, start writing getrepository,
wait for the snippet, set the data and you're done !

Quickly create Provider classes, to provide data to your application, either via API or local database.
getprovider snippet, will bring you a Provider class, including examples of a complete crud that can be consumed by the functions generated in the com getrepository.
Using: When creating a new file my_provider.dart empty, start writing getprovider,
wait for the snippet, set the data and you're done !

Has the same purpose as getprovider, but for people who use Dio instead of http.

This snippet will bring you a final ThemeData, where you can customize the entire theme of your application, such as texts, buttons, colors and more.
Start typing gettheme, wait for the snippet and go!

Functions and variables
getfinal and getfinal_
Quickly create variables final observável for Get.
getfinal snippet, will bring you an observable final variable and its methods get and set.
Using: In any file that has the package Get, just start writing getfinal,
wait for the snippet, choice between private or not, set the variable name and you're done !

getset and getset_
Quickly create a function set for an observable Get.
getset snippet, will bring you a function to assign a value in your observable.
Using: In any file that has the package Get, just start writing getset,
wait for the snippet, choice between private or not, set the variable name and you're done !

getget and getget_
Quickly create a function get para um observável Get.
getget snippet, will bring you a function to recover the value of your observable.
Using: In any file that has the package Get, just start writing getget,
wait for the snippet, choice between private or not ,set the variable name and you're done !

Quickly instantiate your custom widgets.
getwidget It only serves for you to retrieve a custom widget in a practical way.
Using: In any file that has the material, just start writing getwidget,
wait for the snippet, set the widget name and you're done !
A simple getx Widget with shortcuts for controller name will returngetx.
It only serves for you to retrieve a custom widget in a practical way.
Using: In any file that has the material, just start writing getx,
wait for the snippet, set the widget name and you're done !
Quickly retrieve items sent from other locations.
it will simply return a GetX object, Get.arguments, if you have sent any value through it, otherwise it will be empty or null.
Using: In any empty file that imports Get, start typing getargs,
wait for the snippet, seven the parameter name or retrieve all the arguments and and you're done !

Quickly create a widget GetX from Get containing a functional dynamic list, consuming your controller .
getlist this snippet will bring you the Get widget, GetX, along with
some optional attributes and its builder function, which in turn contains a listview.separated with a child listtile to display values.
Using: In any file that has the package Get, just start writing getlist,
wait for the snippet, set the variable name and you're done !
Notice that in the example we are using initState to enter a value for our variable.
We did this so that you can see that a statefull widget is not necessary when using Get, you could start your page by calling >a controller function that retrieves all your users and inserting them into a variable in your controller, for example, then just use >the same controller your controller inside the GetX widget.


Quickly create a GetX widget from Get containing a fully configured listview and dismissible widgets.
getlistdismissible it will bring you, a GetX Widget, a ListView containing a Dismissible ready to use, you can drag from beginning to end to edit or from end to beginning to delete, just create your functions in the controller.
Using: In any widget that has the Get package, start writing getlistdismissible,
wait for the snippet, set the variable and function name and you're done !


Quickly create a FloatingActionButton widget.
getfab A simple FloatingActionButton will return.
Using: In any file that contains the material, start writing getfab,
wait for the snippet, set the variable and function and you're done !

Quickly create a RaisedButton widget.
getbutton A simple RaisedButton will return.
Using: In any file that contains the material, start writing getbutton,
wait for the snippet, set the variable and function and you're done !

he widgets component snippets were created thinking about those, who like me, like reusable componentizat widgets.
They will bring you a complete widget with input values, so you can use it at different times
validators: ^2.0.0
Quickly create a GetX widget from Get containing a fully customized form widget.
getformwidget You will be returned with a GetX Widget containing a functional form.
Using: In any widget that has the Get package and material/cupertino, start writing getformwidget,
Wait for the snippet, and that's it, now just use this widget component in the view you want, and you can customize it or not !
Note that we are not initializing our controller in the example. This is because we are assuming that you are calling this form in a "login" class, where we start it.
This is because the view that is consuming this widget has the same controller, this was possible because we used 'asignId: true' in our GetX widget

Create a reusable button quickly and easily. and dismissible widgets.
getbuttonwidget You will be returned with a button that can be reused in different locations, so we set parameters to facilitate customizing taking into account the context it is inserted in.
Using: In any widget that has the material, start writing getbuttonwidget,
wait for the snippet, and ready, now just use it wherever you want !

Create a reusable button quickly and easily. and dismissible widgets.
getfabwidget You will be returned with a fab button that can be reused in different locations, so we set parameters to facilitate customizing taking into account the context it is inserted in.
Using: In any widget that has the Get package, start writing getfabwidget,
wait for the snippet, set the variable and function name and you're done !

More awesome Snippets