Iconify SearchSearch Iconify icons directly in VSCode and insert the icons into the code editor. 在 VSCode 中直接搜索 Iconify 图标,并可将图标插入到代码编辑器中。 Usage / 使用方法This extension needs to read all icon data in the 当前扩展需要读取 Features / 功能
Screenshots / 录屏示例View All Icons / 查看全部图标
Search Icons / 搜索图标
Save to My Favorites / 收藏图标
Copy Icon Code to Clipboard / 复制图标代码到剪贴板
Insert Icon Code to Text Editor / 插入图标代码到文本
User Friendly Settings / 便捷配置
Limitation / 限制After switching from the Iconify Search Extension tab to other tabs (such as other text code tab), and executing Iconify Search Extension commands through VSCode Command again, it is unable to automatically active the Iconify Search Extension tab. 从 Iconify 图标界面切换到其它 Tab(比如其它代码文件)后,再次通过 VSCode Command 执行 Iconify Search 扩展的命令后,无法自动切换回 Iconify 图标界面。 This is due to the fact that VSCode Extension API currently does not support activating the Webview Panel created by Extension. The official already has relevant issue and will support it in the feature. For details, please see: https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/issues/188572 这是受 VSCode 扩展接口当前暂不支持激活由 Extension 创建的 Webview Panel 所致。官方已经有相关的 Issue 以及功能迭代计划,详见:https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/issues/188572 |