ProVision: Lens provides easy to use Code Lenses. When opening a file it will search for the provided keywords and show you a simple overview of your notes. When clicking on a group you get an overview of all your notes in the specified group.
📐 Features
Create custom keywords
Group keywords together
Show Code Lenses with every note inside a file/class/function
Jump directly to a note
View all of your notes in a long and complex file instantly
📙 How to use
You can start using it right away! But if you want to customize it more, you can take a look at our manual via the Help: ProVision command.
📕 Commands
Help: ProVision: Shows you the manual you are currently reading.
ProVision: List All: Shows you all the notes in the current file.
ProVision: List Group: Shows you all the notes in the current file from a specifc group.
ProVision: Toggle Lens: Toggle the visibility of the Code Lenses.
⚙️ Available Settings
ProVision.keywords: The keywords will be searched for. (For setup take a look at our manual)
ProVision.groups: Custom group appearance. (For setup take a look at our manual)
ProVision.list.moveOnSingleResult: Instantly jump to the note when there are is only 1 result.
"ProVision.list.moveOnSingleResult": <true|false>
ProVision.lens.scope: Where the Code Lenses should be rendered.