Foam for VSCode
Foam is a note-taking tool that lives within VS Code, which means you can pair it with your favorite extensions for a great editing experience. Foam is open source, and allows you to create a local first, markdown based, personal knowledge base. You can also use it to publish your notes. Foam is also meant to be extensible, so you can integrate with its internals to customize your knowledge base. FeaturesGraph VisualizationSee how your notes are connected via a graph with the Link AutocompletionFoam helps you create the connections between your notes, and your placeholders as well. Sync links on file renameFoam updates the links to renamed files, so your notes stay consistent. Unique identifiers across directoriesFoam supports files with the same name in multiple directories. It will use the minimum identifier required, and even report and help you fix existing ambiguous wikilinks. Link Preview and NavigationGo to definition, Peek ReferencesSee where a note is being referenced in your knowledge base. Navigation in PreviewNavigate your rendered notes in the VS Code preview panel. Note embedEmbed the content from other notes. Support for sectionsFoam supports autocompletion, navigation, embedding and diagnostics for note sections.
Just use the standard wiki syntax of Link AliasFoam supports link aliasing, so you can have a TemplatesUse custom templates to have avoid repetitve work on your notes. Backlinks PanelQuickly check which notes are referencing the currently active note. See for each occurrence the context in which it lives, as well as a preview of the note. Tag Explorer PanelTag your notes and navigate them with the Tag Explorer. Foam also supports hierarchical tags. Orphans and Placeholder PanelsOrphans are note that have no inbound nor outbound links. Placeholders are dangling links, or notes without content. Keep them under control, and your knowledge base in better state, by using this panel. Syntax highlightFoam highlights wikilinks and placeholder differently, to help you visualize your knowledge base. Daily noteCreate a journal with daily notes. Generate references for your wikilinksCreate markdown references for Commands
RecipesPeople use Foam in different ways for different use cases, check out the recipes page for inspiration! Getting startedYou really, really, really should read Foam documentation, but if you can't be bothered, this is how to get started:
This will also install RequirementsHigh tolerance for alpha-grade software. Foam is still a Work in Progress. Rest assured it will never lock you in, nor compromise your files, but sometimes some features might break ;) Known IssuesSee the issues on our GitHub repo ;) Release NotesSee the CHANGELOG. |