Theme slightly inspired on Cyberpunk 2077 colors, but with more purple.
This is my first theme, so nothing super special.
:bulb: Highly recommended to have a proper calibrated display. This was optimized on a good IPS display, with and without HDR.
VS Code Settings Recommendations
Editor Settings:
- Font Family: Intel One Mono
"editor.letterSpacing": -0.3,
"editor.fontSize": 13.5,
"editor.lineHeight": 20,
Terminal Settings:
- Font Family: EnvyCodeR Nerd Font Mono
"terminal.integrated.fontSize": 14,
"terminal.integrated.cursorStyle": "underline",
"terminal.integrated.cursorBlinking": true,
"terminal.integrated.cursorStyleInactive": "underline",
Other settings
- The theme has
"semanticHighlighting": false
by default. If you have it enabled on your settings, it will work fine but some elements will be different due to how the tokens/scopes change when semantic is enabled. You can of course customize your own tokens via "editor.tokenColorCustomizations"
"editor.bracketPairColorization.enabled": true,
is highly recommended so it applies the theme colors properly (I defined up to 4 levels of brackets). The 2 settings below goes well together with this also:
"editor.guides.bracketPairs": true,
"editor.matchBrackets": "never",
Personal preference:
- VS Code Icons: Bearded Icons. Should be used with
"workbench.tree.indent": 20,
"window.titleBarStyle": "custom",
"editor.renderWhitespace": "trailing",
"files.trimTrailingWhitespace": true,
Languages optimizations
This was carefully customized for:
- JavaScript
- TypeScript
- React (JSX / TSX)
- CSS and SCSS (they will look almost identical)
- Markdown
- Shopify Liquid language (requires a Shopify extension for code highlighting)
- Salesforce B2C SFCC (ISML / Demandware)
- For full support, DON'T associate ISML with HTML, and install Prophet Extension to enable ISML syntax highlight.
- Golang (basic tokens setup without any extension)
- Java (basic tokens setup without any extension)
I tested some code samples from other languages, on the theme repository there is a "code-samples" folder that you can download to see how it looks for each language. It should still look OK for most of them, like C#, PHP, Python and Vue
(provided you have a Vue extension highlight installed of course).
For other languages, it still look ok most of the time, whatever isn't grabbed by the tokens will have an almost "white purple" foreground, easily customized via editor.tokenColorCustomizations
More screenshots
If you like this theme, I appreciate any feedback and share, and feel free to follow me on GitHub.