Wally Utilities
This extension provides useful features inside of VSCode for the Wally package manager.
The extension can be downloaded from the Visual Studio Marketplace.
🔎 Hovers 🔍
Information about dependencies on hover
- Package author(s), name, and description
- Direct links to readme & changelog, if the package is downloaded
- Direct link to the package on the official wally.run page
🔮 Code Completions 🔮
Autocomplete for package dependencies
- Package authors (scopes)
- Package names
- Package versions, including prereleases
ℹ️ Diagnostics ℹ️
Diagnostics for dependencies and package fields
- Incomplete dependency (Author / name / version is missing)
- Invalid dependency (Author / name / version does not exist)
- Incorrect dependency realm
- A newer version of a package is available
- Adds the TOML language to the
wally.lock file, giving it proper syntax highlighting
- Fully supports any number of fallback registries, in addition to the public registry
- The theme used in the screenshots above is One Dark Pro
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