Volt Phalcon for VS Code
- Syntax highlighting
- Snippets
- Emmet
- Pretty Diff 3 Formatting
- Hover
- Completions

what up's

Each have their advantage and their disadvantage
It is possible to use 4 types of languages:
Id language |
Description |
html |
Volt with HTML intellisense / autocompletion |
Volt (HTML) |
Volt without HTML intellisense / autocompletion |
javascript |
Volt with HTML/JS intellisense / autocompletion |
Js (Volt) |
Volt without HTML/JS intellisense / autocompletion |
Simply add these lines depending from your choise by language to your VS Code settings to get emmet working and also to associate HTML files as twig syntax.
Example :
"files.associations": {
".volt": "volt",
".js.volt" : "js.volt"
"emmet.includeLanguages": {
"volt": "html",
"javascript": "html",
"js.volt": "html"
"volt-phalcon-language.completionsVoltCustom" : "/myProjectPhalcon/app/config/services.php"
change your path for use completions volt custom
you can change the language quickly at any time according to your needs:
keyboard shortcut.
Create a file in the root projet (jsconfig.json).
To get jquery autocompletion
"typeAcquisition": {
"include": [
"compilerOptions": {
"module": "commonjs",
"target": "es6"
"exclude": ["node_modules"]
Install through Visual Studio Code extensions. Search for volt phalcon language
ext install fbclol.volt-phalcon-language
Visual Studio Code Market Place: volt phalcon language
volt phalcon language is a Visual Studio Code extension that provides snippets, syntax highlighting, hover, and formatting for the Volt file format.
Volt syntax highlighting and language support
This extension provides language support for the Volt syntax.
Using PrettyDiff, this extension implements the only working code formatter for Volt files in VS Code.
VS Code Volt phalcon language shows information about the symbol/object that's below the mouse cursor when you hover within Volt files.
Volt code snippets
Adds a set of Volt code snippets to use in your Volt templates.
Generic Triggers
do {% do ... %}
extends {% extends 'template' %}
inc, include {% include 'template' %}
incp {% include 'template' with params %}
inckv {% include 'template' with { key: value } %}
autoescape {% autoescape 'type' %}...{% endautoescape %}
block {% block name %} ... {% endblock %}
macro {% macro name(params) %}...{% endmacro %}
set {% set var = value %}
if, ifb {% if condition %} ... {% endif %}
ife {% if condition %} ... {% else %} ... {% endif %}
for {% for item in seq %} ... {% endfor %}
fore {% for item in seq %} ... {% else %} ... {% endfor %}
else {% else %}
endif {% endif %}
endfor {% endfor %}
endblock {% endblock %}
endautoescape {% endautoescape %}
endmacro {% endmacro %}
Craft Triggers
cache {% cache %}...{% endcache %}
css {% css %}...{% endcss %}
js {% js %}...{% endjs %}
redirect {% redirect 'login' %}
switch {% switch variable %}...{% endswitch %}
case {% case "value" %}
endcache {% endcache %}
url, urla url('path'), url('path', params, 'http', false)
dump <pre>{{ dump() }}</pre>
Filter Completions
{{ xxx| }} or {% xxx| %} autocompletions or press |
and espace
abs variable | abs
capitalize variable | capitalize
convert_encoding variable | convert_encoding('to', 'from')
default variable | default('default value')
escape variable | escape
escape_attr variable | escape_attr
escape_js variable | escape_js
format variable | format()
join variable | join
json_decode variable | json_decode
json_encode variable | json_encode
keys variable | keys
left_trim variable | left_trim
length variable | length
lower variable | lower
nl2br variable | nl2br
right_trim variable | right_trim
sort variable | sort
stripslashes variable | stripslashes
striptags variable | striptags
trim variable | trim
upper variable | upper
url_encode variable | url_encode
Tests Completions
Tests can be used to test if a variable has a valid expected value.
The operator is
or not
is used to perform the tests
defined {% if 'test' is defined %}
divisibleby {% if 10 is divisibleby 2 %}
empty {% if '' is not empty %}
even {% if 1 is even %}
iterable {% if 'test' is iterable %}
numeric {% if 'test' is numeric %}
odd {% if 2 is odd %}
sameas {% if 'test' is sameas %}
scalar {% if 'test' is scalar %}
type {% if 'test' is type %}
comming soon
other function by Phalcon (service.php)
detector for autocomplet all function or filter by file Phalcon PHP
Extension will detect in the php file. You are going to be entitled to information overview and autocompletion
->addFunction('strtotime', 'strtotime')
->addFunction('sprintf', 'sprintf')
->addFunction('str_replace', 'str_replace')
->addFilter('ucfirst_custom', 'ucfirst_custom');
->addFilter('ucfirst_custom2', 'ucfirst_custom2');
strtotime {{ strtotime() }}
sprintf {{ sprintf() }}
str_replace {{ str_replace() }}
is_a {{ variable|ucfirst_custom }}
ucfirst_custom2 {{ variable|ucfirst_custom2 }}
👤 Franck Boué
🤝 Contributing
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome !
Feel free to check issues page.
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Give a ⭐️ if this project helped you !
📝 License
Copyright © 2020 Franck Boué.
This project is MIT licensed.