Mentor RDF for Visual Studio CodeThis extension provides powerful editing support for RDF ontologies, thesauri and knowledge graph projects in Visual Studio Code. ![]() Features
This extension provides the following features: Workspace Tree
Workspace Index
Definitions Tree
Supports N3, Turtle, Trig and SPARQL
Online Collaboration
NewsVersion 0.2.8: Initial RDF/XML SupportThis release adds initial support for RDF/XML documents. This includes browsing definitions and tooltips for IRIs in files that have an Version 0.2.7: Bugfixes and RefactoringFixed two bugs and cleaned up the internal structure of the definition tree code for better maintainability and extensibility. Please report any issues that might occur with the defintion tree after this update.
Next release is planned add suport RDF/XML. Version 0.2.6: Minor bugfixesFixed two minor issues:
Version 0.2.5: Language Support in Definition TreeThis release introduces support for selecting the language tags to display in the definition tree. This ensures a consistent view of definitions across the definition tree and editor tooltips, which typically show labels and definitions in the currently selected language. Additionally, items in the definition tree without language-tagged labels can now be highlighted. Version 0.2.3: Fixed labels in definition treeFixed a bug where the definition tree would ignore the settings for resource labels and initially only show the URI local part instead of annotated labels. Version 0.2.2: Improved prefix managementThis release adds editor functions to automatically define / implement missing prefix definitions in the document. The namespace IRIs for a prefix are looked up in other documents in the workspace first and if not found, are retreived from a local copy of The editor also now highights unused prefix definitions and marks them as inactive similar to the behavior of unused imports in other programming languages. Duplicate prefix defintions are marked as a warning. Also some new refactoring methods for prefixes were added:
There are new settings to adjust the prefix implementation behavior. Prefixes can be implemented by maintaing a sorted list of prefixes at the top of the document (default), or by appending the new prixes after the last prefix defintion. The auto-implementation of prefixes can also be turned off entirely. Finally this release includes a fix, that addresses a bug caused by the Millan parser that sometimes includes trailing whitespaces in tokens where it should not. Now the find reference command has a more reliable highlighting of the prefix name or IRI. Version 0.2.1: Support for SHACL shapes in Definitions Tree and vscode.devThis release supports browsing SHACL shapes that are defined in ontologies. You can quickly jump to shape definitions that are associated with classes or properties from the definitions tree. Also supports SHACL datatype definitions for properties. Greatly improved workspace indexing speed for reference resolution with added options for skipping files above a configurable size limit. Mentor can be run as a pure web extension and supports collaboration in online portals such as InstallationYou can install the Mentor extension directly from the Visual Studio Code marketplace. Follow these steps:
Alternatively, if you have the
After installation, you may need to reload Visual Studio Code to activate the extension. ContributingWe appreciate contributions in all forms! By contributing to Mentor, you'll help make it a better tool for the RDF and knowledge graph community. Contributions can take many shapes, including:
BuildingTo get started, fork this repository on GitHub and then clone the fork to your local computer. Once cloned, add an upstream remote pointing to the primary toolkit repo.
Install the project dependencies.
Create a development build of the extension.
DebuggingTo start debugging the 'Launch Extension' configuration, follow these steps:
This will start a new instance of Visual Studio Code with the Mentor extension loaded. You can set breakpoints in your code to stop execution and inspect variables, call stack, and so on. Packaging
LicenseDistributed under the GPL Version 3 License. See LICENSE for more information. |