Provides syntax highlighting (and much more to come) for PyChemin, a minimal language to describe interactive, terminal-based text adventure games.
By order of implementation complexity (soonest = easiest to implement)
[x] Syntax highlighting
Color theme: Tokyo Night by enkia
[x] Snippets for headings, characters lines & more
[ ] Outline support
[ ] Autocompletion for character names, stats and interpolations
[ ] Linting (shows error when character is not defined, etc.)
[ ] Jump-to-declaration for characters, stats and -> file statements
To run .pychemin files, install the pychemin interpreter:
$ pip install pychemin
$ pychemin --version
Known Issues
- Interpolation
my thing #name is not highlighted correctly.
- Percent operator (
@speed 50% ) is not highlighted (but ewen-lbh/pychemin doesn't even use it yet)
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