Open command palette (⇧⌘p) and type filterline, select Filter Line By Input String in the list.
Type a string and hit <Enter>.
The extension will output matching lines in a new file with postfix .filterline.$(ext) (e.g. 1.log will generate file 1.log.filterline.log).
Filter line by input regex.
Open Command Palette (⇧⌘P) and type FilterLine, select Filter Line By Input Regex in the list.
Type a regular expression and hit <Enter>.
The extension will output matching lines in a new file with postfix .filterline.$(ext) (e.g. 1.log will generate file 1.log.filterline.log).
Filter line by config file
Create config file in .vscode directory (e.g. .vscode/filterline.json or .vscode/filterline.eoml).
Edit the filterline.json/.eoml file to desired format.
Open command palette (⇧⌘p) and type filterline, select Filter Line By Config File in the list.
Large file mode
Since vscode's limitation, when filter large files (e.g. >= 50MB), vscode extension can not get the file name currently opened. But this extension provide an alternative. e.g. if you want to filter large file ~/log/file.log, do follow steps below :
Create an empty file named filterline ( ~/log/filterline) in the same directory with log file.
Try to filter the empty file filterline.
Now the extension will list all files in the same directory.
Choose the one (~/log/file.log) you want to filter.
Config file type
There are 2 file types filterline.json and filterline.eoml.
eoml is a simple config file format that created by me(everettjf), only for this project(vscode-filter-line) at present. For more information, please visit eoml.
Config file format type
There are 3 format types. As they are so simple, I will not describe them here. Please visit the demo directly :