Overview Version History Q & A Rating & Review
Open Deep link, Push Notification, Screen Mirroring, WIFI connection, Virtual Device Management, Run Gists on Terminal, Kanban Board, Timer, Games, Sounds, etc.
Install from VSCode Extension Marketplace
Marketplace Web: VSCode Extension Marketplace
Demo App: https://github.com/emanuel-braz/mobile_dev_tools_demo
Tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HePUYSVf4e0
Open deep link from VSCode command palette
Open latest deep link from quick action button
Deep links history
Send push notification to iOS simulator
Send push notification to Android emulator (WIP)
Send latest notification to simulator/emulator
Mirror Android device screen
Open iOS simulator
Open Android emulator
Connect wifi Android device
Disconnect wifi Android device
Show active devices
Run scripts directly from your Gist Files
List all gists from a user
Run a script from a gist url (Secret or Public Gist)
Keep a list of all your favorite scripts on project (Secret or Public Gist)
Configure your favorite gist (cache in VSCode)
Run your favorite gist on terminal, copy or open it in the editor
Clear cache of favorite gists
Task board (Kanban board, like Trello)
Load boards from all "*.board" files in the workspace
Create a new board in the workspace as default "TODO.board"
Configure a list of boards on user settings, separated by comma
ex.: "mdt.taskBoard.fileList": "todo.board,squadX.md,personal/personal_board.board"
Timer ⏱️
Start a timer
Stop a timer
Click on the timer to stop it
Show the timer on the status bar
Right click on the folder to generate barrel file
unsupported languages configured on user settings
Games 👾
Play Tic Tac Toe 🀄️
Play T-Rex Runner 🦖
Messenger Call fake sounds 🔊 (It may save you from a boring meeting)
My Notes Board: A simple board to keep your notes
Known Issues
Cannot open deeplinks in specific device (it will send to default device, Android or iOS)
Add "!" (exclamation mark) before or after the route, in order to do not filter it.
Add options to select specific device
it runs the latest deep link command
it runs the latest push notification command
it runs your favorite gist