PHPUnit for VSCode
This extension aims to need zero config and to be highly configurable. If you have php
in environment path and phpunit
installed with composer
or anywhere in your workspace as phpunit*.phar
, zero config is needed. It will even fallback to spinning up a self-removing docker
container to try and run your tests if it can't find php
on your machine.

- Run tests with one command or hotkey based on open file (
or phpunit.xml
) and cursor position
- "quick pick" window is shown where more complicated selections are needed
- Problems pane is populated with errors
- Color output
- Available commands:
- PHPUnit Test
- Tries to do the right thing (test
where cursor is or suite if file is phpunit.xml
- PHPUnit Test Nearest
- PHPUnit Test Suite
- PHPUnit Test Directory
- PHPUnit Rerun Last Test
- PHPUnit Stop Running Tests
Manual setup
- Install phpunit in your workspace.
- Common config options:
"phpunit.php": "path/to/php", // Skip to use php in env path
"phpunit.phpunit": "path/to/phpunit", // Skip to find in common places (vendor, *.phar)
"phpunit.args": [
"-c", "./phpunit.xml.dist" // Any args, check `phpunit --help`
"phpunit.paths": { // Map paths in remote environments.
"/local/path": "/remote/path", // ${workspaceFolder} is replaced as in tasks.json
"${workspaceFolder}": "/remote/app"
"phpunit.envVars": { // A list of environment variables for phpunit command's execution
"XDEBUG_CONFIG": "remove_enable=1", // "key" = "value
Zero config needed if you have php or docker in you environment path and phpunit in your project (composer vendor dir or *.phar file).
See the configuration section in package.json for all values and their descriptions (highly recommened if you need advanced functionality).
Remote configs
For docker
, vagrant
, laravel-homestead
or any other virtual/remote environment, please consider the Remote Development extension by Mircosoft. VSCode will run agains a remote directory and you can simply run your tests as you would locally.
Manual ssh
"phpunit.ssh": "ssh root@localhost \"<command>\"", // ssh command to connect to remote machine.
"phpunit.paths": {
"/local/path": "/remote/path",
"${workspaceFolder}": "/app"
is populated by the extension. The final command could then be something like ssh root@localhost "php ./phpunit.phar -c phpunit.xml"
depending on your settings.
Setup public/private keys (passwords won't work):
- Windows powershell ssh-keygen && cat $env:userprofile/.ssh/id_rsa.pub | ssh root@localhost 'cat >> .ssh/authorized_keys'
- Linux bash ssh-keygen && ssh-copy-id root@localhost
OpenSSH (ssh
and ssh-keygen
) is available on windows since late 2018. It's easy to install with powershell if it's not enabled.
Manual docker container
"phpunit.docker.container": "container_name", // Skip to select from running containers
"phpunit.paths": {
"${workspaceFolder}": "/app" // Map your ${workspaceFolder} to where it
} // is in your container. Ex: /app
Manual docker image
"phpunit.command": "docker run --rm -t -v ${pwd}:/app -w /app php:latest php",
"phpunit.paths": { // ${pwd} (current directory) is mounted to /app
"${workspaceFolder}": "/app" // ${workspaceFolder} is mapped to /app
Manual docker-compose service
"phpunit.command": "docker-compose run --rm service_name",
"phpunit.paths": {
"${workspaceFolder}": "/app" // Map your ${workspaceFolder} to where it
} // is in your container. Ex: /app
Run with (Cmd+Shift+P
on OSX or Ctrl+Shift+P
on Windows and Linux) and execute the PHPUnit Test
- Test a function: Place cursor on a function and run.

- Test a class: Place cursor on class name and run.

- Pick test from a list: Place cursor anywhere in class except on class name or on a function and run.

- Test everything according to --configuration: Close editor window and run.

- Test everything in a directory: Open a file in the directory to test and run the
PHPUnit Test Directory

- Rerun last Test: Run the
PHPUnit Rerun Last Test
Keybinding example:
{ "key": "cmd+shift+t", "command": "phpunit.Test", "when": "editorFocus" }
Create a PR linking an issue and add tests to make the merging go smoother.

If you already have VS Code and Docker installed, you can click the badge above or here to get started. Clicking these links will cause VS Code to automatically install the Dev Containers extension if needed, clone the source code into a container volume, and spin up a dev container for use.
Local development
Install this on your machine:
npm install && npm run build
Start an extension host with the extension installed and a debugger attached with F5.