An extension that helps you out with theming in VS Code. It includes a preview of all the CSS variables and their values. If you are a theme or extension developer, this is a great way to check if your theme is working as expected.
Launch VS Code Quick Open (Ctrl+P), paste the following command, and press enter.
An extension that helps you out with theming in VS Code. It includes a preview of all the CSS variables and their values. If you are a theme or extension developer, this is a great way to check if your theme is working as expected.
⬛️ Dark theme example
⬜️ Light theme example
✨ Features
Show all CSS variables and their values
On the fly theme changes
Filtering of theme properties
Allow theme comparison with any other theme you got installed
Important: This is limited to the colors defined in the theme. It means that not all colors are provided, but gives you already a good indication of what the theme colors are, and allows you to compare them with other themes.