SystemVerilog - Language Support
This VS Code extension provides features to read, navigate and write SystemVerilog code much faster.
- Elaborate syntax highlighting
- Go to symbol in document (
Ctrl+Shift+O )
- Go to symbol in workspace folder (indexed modules/interfaces/programs/classes/packages) (
Ctrl+T )
- Go to definition (works for module/interface/program/class/package names and for ports too!) (
Ctrl+LeftClick )
- Find references (works for module/interface/program/class/package names and for ports too!) (
Ctrl+LeftClick )
- Quick-start on already indexed workspaces
- Code snippets for many common blocks
- Instantiate module from already indexed module
- Linter capabilites with simulators (more info on the wiki)
- Fast real-time error identification through an integrated SystemVerilog parser and IntelliSense (fully accurate to IEEE Standard 1800-2017)
- If you find a bug or would like a feature, request it as an Issue or submit a Pull Request
Syntax Highlighting

Go To Definition

Find References

Module Instantiation

- If you have netlists in your workspace you can exclude them in the settings with
systemverilog.excludeIndexing , e.g.: **/syn/**
- When running in workspaces with a large number of files, the
systemverilog.documentSymbolsPrecision setting may need to be reduced down to 'full_no_references'. Doing this will turn off the 'find references' feature which will dramatically speedup the parsing.
- When you have large files, the
systemverilog.maxLineCountIndexing setting can be tuned to prevent full parsing of these files, which will improve extension performance.
- Disclaimer: This is not a functional tool that will compile and simulate HDL, but it will make it easier and more user-friendly to write and navigate SystemVerilog and Verilog.
systemverilog.includeIndexing : Array, Files included for indexing (glob pattern). Examples:
- Include files within the workspace's rtl folder (
* at front of pattern denotes path is relative to workspace root): **/rtl/**/*.{sv,v,svh,vh}
- Add all files with a '.svp' extension:
- Add files only when in a specific workspace:
systemverilog.disableIndexing : Boolean, Disable indexing
systemverilog.excludeIndexing : String, Exclude files from indexing based on a glob pattern. Examples:
- Exclude all files in the 'synth' folder:
- Exclude more than one folder:
- Exclude .v files in the 'compile' folder:
- Exclude .v files in the 'compile' dir and exclude all files in the 'synth' folder:
systemverilog.forceFastIndexing : Boolean, Use fast regular expression parsing
systemverilog.enableIncrementalIndexing : Boolean, Enable incremental indexation as files are opened
systemverilog.parallelProcessing : Integer, Number of files to process in parallel during indexing
systemverilog.forceFastIndexing : Boolean, force indexer to bo basic parsing. Good for when the extension takes too long to initialize.
systemverilog.enableIncrementalIndexing : Boolean, Enable incremental indexation as you open files.
systemverilog.maxLineCountIndexing : Boolean, When indexing a file, if the line count is larger than this number, fast indexing will be used to improve symbol lookup performance, as fewer symbols will be parsed.
systemverilog.documentSymbolsPrecision : String, The level of detail the parser should use when looking for symbols:
- full: detect blocks, ports, parameters, classes, methods, typedefs, defines, labels, instantiations, assertions, and references across files.
- full_no_references: detect blocks, ports, parameters, classes, methods, typedefs, defines, labels, instantiations, and assertions.
- declarations: detect blocks, ports, parameters, classes, methods, typedefs, and defines.
- fast: detect only common blocks (module, class, interface, package, program) without hierarchy.
systemverilog.antlrVerification : Boolean, Use ANTLR parser to verify code in real-time
systemverilog.verifyOnOpen : Boolean, Run ANTLR verification on all files when opened.
systemverilog.launchConfigurationVerilator : String, Command to run when launching verilator
- Default: verilator --sv --lint-only --language 1800-2012 --Wall
- If not in path, replace verilator with the appropriate command
systemverilog.launchConfigurationVCS : String, Command to run when launching VCS
- Default: vcs
- If not in path, replace vcs with the appropriate command
systemverilog.launchConfigurationVerible : String, Command to run when launching Verible
- Default: verible-verilog-lint
- If not in path, replace verible-verilog-lint with the appropriate command
systemverilog.excludeCompiling : String, Files excluded from compiling when saved based on a glob pattern
systemverilog.compileOnSave : Boolean, Compile files when saved
systemverilog.compilerType : String, Dropdown list to select a compiler type
systemverilog.trace.server : String, Dropdown to select verbosity of LSP message tracing
systemverilog.compileOnOpen : Boolean, Compile all files when opened
Use the provided settings in a user or workspace settings.json as appropriate. Here are a few examples:
"editor.bracketPairColorization.enabled": true, // turn on bracket pair coloring
"editor.guides.bracketPairs": "active", // turn on bracket pair guides
// Change theme default colors for specific tokens
// To find tokens use: https://code.visualstudio.com/api/language-extensions/syntax-highlight-guide#scope-inspector
"editor.tokenColorCustomizations": {
// Customize per theme or globally
"[Theme Name]": {
"textMateRules": [
// Workaround: Extension marks escaped identifiers as regular expressions to prevent bracket matching,
// so recoloring it back to identifier color
"scope": ["string.regexp.identifier.systemverilog"],
"settings": {
"foreground": "#e06c75"
// Customize formatting command to suite preferences
"systemverilog.formatCommand": "verible-verilog-format --assignment_statement_alignment=preserve --case_items_alignment=infer --class_member_variables_alignment=infer --formal_parameters_alignment=preserve --formal_parameters_indentation=indent --named_parameter_alignment=flush-left --named_parameter_indentation=indent --named_port_alignment=flush-left --named_port_indentation=indent --net_variable_alignment=preserve --port_declarations_alignment=preserve --port_declarations_indentation=indent",
// Add additional file extensions to associate with SystemVerilog and include them in the indexing
"files.associations": {
"*.svi": "systemverilog",
"*.svp": "systemverilog",
"*.pkg": "systemverilog"
"systemverilog.includeIndexing": ["**/*.{sv,v,svh,vh,svi,svp,pkg}"]
Handling Spaces In Executable Paths
Please exercise caution when setting an executable path in the settings, such as the case with systemverilog.formatCommand , systemverilog.launchConfigurationVerilator , systemverilog.launchConfigurationVCS , and systemverilog.launchConfigurationVerible . Any spaces will be assumed to be arguments and not the executable itself. In Windows, for example, you might have an executable configured as follows:
"systemverilog.formatCommand" : "C:\\Program Files\\verible\\bin\\verible-verilog-format --case_items_alignment=infer"
Because of the space in 'Program Files', the extension will infer that the executable is C:\\Program with two arguments: Files\\verible\\bin\\verible-verilog-format and --case_items_alignment=infer . This breaks the executable path. There are a couple solutions for tihs:
- (Prefered) Add the executable to your PATH and call it directly.
"systemverilog.formatCommand" : "verible-verilog-format --case_items_alignment=infer"
- If you can't edit your path (maybe because of privileges), then don't use spaces in paths. Either move the executable to a different location with no spaces, or (in the case of windows) you can use DOS short names as follows:
"systemverilog.formatCommand" : "C:\\PROGRA~1\\verible\\bin\\verible-verilog-format --case_items_alignment=infer"
Known Issues
- Initial indexing might hog CPU/RAM when looking through files in very large workspaces
- Tree view of module hierarchy
- References document
- Back-end Language server for SystemVerilog
- Update workspace state to save to storagePath
- If you want to contribute with the project please fork this repository, clone it, make changes (preferably in a branch other than master) and finally create a Pull Request (more details here).
- To debug the extension locally first install the required dependencies (in the repository's root directory):
npm install
- Then compile the project at least once (this will generate the SystemVerilog lexer and parser in
src\compiling\ANTLR\grammar\build ):
npm run compile
- Finally, run the "Client + Server" run configuration:

Release Notes
See the changelog
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