parquet-viewerViews Apache Parquet files as text (JSON or CSV). FeaturesWhen opening a Parquet file, a textual presentation of the file will open automatically: After closing the textual view, it is possible to reopen it by clicking on the link in the parquet view. BackendsThe extension supports different backends for parsing the files: arrowThis is the default backend. This backend is a thin wrapper around the Apache Arrow C++ implementation and so should support latest and greatest parquet features. parquet-wasmThis backend uses the parquet-wasm library which uses the "official" Rust implementations of Arrow and Parquet. It support most compression algorithms besides LZ4, see for details. parquetsThis backend uses the parquets TypeScript library, which is a fork of the unmaintained kbajalc/parquets library with some bug fixes. It only supports parquet version 1.0.0 with snappy compression. parquet-toolsThis is a legacy Java backend, using parquet-tools. To use that, you should set FormatThe textual output can be either JSON or CSV based on the parquet-viewer.format setting. A richer viewAfter getting the textual representation, it's possible to use other extensions like JSON Table Viewer or Edit csv to get a richer view of the data (e.g. in a table). SettingsThe following setting options are available:
NotesSize limitVSCode allows extensions to work on files smaller than 50MB. If the data is larger, it will be truncated a message indicating that will be appended to the output. See for details. What's newSee |