Extension development
Install project dependencies:
Debug the extension in VSCode:
- Run TypeScript compiler:
npm run watch .
- Open
src/extension.ts in your editor.
- Press
F5 .
- Once the new VSCode instance is launched, select the Markdown language.
Publish extension:
Add last changes to README - ignore commits with version changes and updates to README.md to add release changes.
Manually bump version:
npm version patch # major/minor/patch/...
# see `npm version --help` for more options
Check published versions if you are unsure about whether you need to bump the version or not.
Push latest changes: git push --atomic origin master (to ensure tags are sent simultaneously)
Go to CI to monitor deployment.
Note: the deployment will fail if there is not a new tag.
Manually publish the extension:
Set up credentials as environment variables:
VSCODE_PUBLISHER_ID : publisher ID, see here for more context.
VSCE_PAT : personal access token, follow these instructions to get one.
Publish the extension bumping the version:
npm run publish minor # major/minor/patch/...
# see `npm version --help` for more options
This will bundle the extension with webpack (same as npm run vscode:prepublish ) and upload it to the extension marketplace.
Extension Settings
In the global settings (optional):
"markdown-contacts.globalNames": [
In the workspace settings (optional):
"markdown-contacts.workspaceNames": [
Reload VSCode when you change the list of names in the extension settings.
Known Issues
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