;; for node and jvm
(require '[portal.api :as p])
;; for web
;; NOTE: you might need to enable popups for the portal ui to work in the
;; browser.
(require '[portal.web :as p])
(def p (p/open)) ; Open a new inspector
;; or with an extension installed, do:
(def p (p/open {:launcher :vs-code})) ; jvm / node only
(def p (p/open {:launcher :intellij})) ; jvm / node only
(add-tap #'p/submit) ; Add portal as a tap> target
(tap> :hello) ; Start tapping out values
(p/clear) ; Clear all values
(tap> :world) ; Tap out more values
(prn @p) ; bring selected value back into repl
(remove-tap #'p/submit) ; Remove portal from tap> targetset
(p/close) ; Close the inspector when done
(p/docs) ; View docs locally via Portal - jvm / node only
Portal will keep objects from being garbage collected until they are cleared
from the UI.