You can customize your shortcuts too under: File > Preferences > Keyboard Shortcuts. (Code > Preferences > Keyboard Shortcuts on macOS)
Check key bindings docs.
Extension Settings
This extension contributes the following settings:
xhtml2pug.indent (default: 'spaces'): Indent
xhtml2pug.numberOfSpaces (default: 2): Number of spaces for indents
xhtml2pug.fragment (default: true): Don't wrap into html > body
xhtml2pug.commas (default: false): Commas in attributes
xhtml2pug.encode (default: true): Encode html characters.
xhtml2pug.doubleQuotes (default: false): Use double quotes for attributes
xhtml2pug.inlineCSS (default: false): Place all classes in class attribute
xhtml2pug.classesAtEnd (default: false): Place all classes after attributes