A dark theme for radical hacking inspired by retro futuristic design.
Peek ViewThe peek view background provides a dark accent to the editor background, highlighted with pink borders. This makes peeking symbol references (⇧F12) or peeking symbol definitions (⌥F12) stand out against the editor contents. Terminal ColorsScreenshots are using Powerlevel10k theme with Oh My Zsh with Meslo for the font. (Terminal colors are also available for iTerm in the Github repo) Extension ThemingIf you'd like to theme some popular extensions to match Radical, these are the colors used in the screenshots. Git Graph
Bracket Pair Colorizer 2If you'd like to add some flair into the editor the Bracket Pair Colorizer extension is a nice way to mix in some neon pops.
Import CostHighlight large packages using neon and translucent colors with the Import Cost extension.
FeedbackFeedback on the theme is very much appreicated 🙌 There are three Github issues in the theme repo for providing comments and suggestions directly: Recommended FontsTheme screenshots are using the font 🙌 Thanks 💖