SFMerge READMESalesforce Source Control Management.Are you a budding Lightning Web Component developer? Come across from another platform and keen to flex your muscles in a Saleforce Sandbox or Instance? Have another developer or two on the same instance and find you are constantly stumbling over each other and finding the source control inconsistent at best? Well you can do what your highly paid consultants suggest and limit one developer to one component (WTF?!?!) Or try this so you actually have some sort of merging experience.. This extension HEAVILY relies on Diff Folders. Features
RequirementsEnsure SF cli v2 is installed. I highly, highly recommend installing globally via NPM. 'SF update' seems questionable at best for updating.
Extension SettingsSearch SFSCM for extension settings.
Known Issues
Release Notes0.0.8
0.0.5Merging via Diff Folders
0.0.4Merging via Diff Folders
0.0.2Initial monitoring of conflicts
0.0.1Initial test release of SFSCM