This is a VSCode plugin used to upload the currently opened markdown file to your GhostCMS via the Ghost API. I have never . This plugin has not been widely tested yet, please feel free to submit issues or contribute code.
The extension is on a very early stage, so many function is not working right now.
The extension converts markdown files to html first. Currently any metadata in markdown file is not supported.
The extension detects title of the post by using regular expressions to determine the content between <h1> and </h1>. If your markdown has more than two top titles, the content would go wrong.
How to use
Install the extension in code.
Go to the settings and find Code2Ghost: Secret Key, then generate a sufficiently long secret key. Please try to avoid using the default value.
Run the command Code2Ghost: Set Config (press ctrl+alt+p or F1) to set the API URL and Admin API key. The admin key will be stored in the VSCode globalState using AES-256-CBC encryption.
Open the markdown file you want to post and stay focus on it. Run Code2Ghost: Create and Draft Post Using Current Editor's File or Code2Ghost: Create and Publish Post Using Current Editor's File and wait, you will get a link to the post if the post is created successful.