Vlocode: Vlocity/Salesforce development integration for Visual Studio Code
This extension provides functionality for deploying, extracting, and refreshing Vlocity metadata with Visual Studio Code.
It is targeted at Vlocity/Salesforce developers who work with Vlocity (Salesforce Industries) and Salesforce Metadata.
Vlocode makes your life as a Salesforce or Vlocity developer easier by providing you with a set of powerful commands to work with both Salesforce as well as Vlocity (Salesforce Industries) Metadata.
Vlocode is an additive extension to the SFDX extension pack from Salesforce
Notable features of Vlocode
- Direct access to the Developer/Debug Logs through a new UI pannel.
- Auto creates -meta.xml files for you when you create an APEX class or APEX Trigger
- Allows you to open exported Metadata directly in Salesforce through a context menu action
- Change the debug log level on the connected org
- Delete all debug logs on the connected org directly from the *Developer/Debug Logs panel
- Execute anonymous APEX and directly open the log as if you were working from the developer console
- Full support for packaging and deploying SFDX metadata
- Powerful Vlocity Metadata browser to export and open Vlocity Metadata
- Commands to directly execute common Vlocity CMT Admin commands such as Refresh Product Hierarchy
This extension embeds the popular libraries such as JSForce, SFDX (@salesforce/core) and the Vlocity build tools library allowing you to directly manipulate your Salesforce org from within your IDE. As opposed to the official SFDX extension Vlocode aims at providing a more guide and integrated experience. You can (and should) use Vlocode next to the official SFDX extension pack.
All settings for Vlocode in the .vscode
settings file making it easy to maintain and change. You can use a special .vlocode
config file to define project defaults which can be versioned in git. See the bottom of this readme which describes how to use a .vlocode
config file.
All Features
- Export metadata export all Salesforce metadata from the Command Pallet

- Auto create and update -meta.xml files automatically rename and create -meta.xml files when you create or rename APEX classes
- Advance metadata deployments
- Support deployment of both SFDX and Classic Metadata format
- Support mixed source code deployment with Netadata defined both in SFDX format as well as in classic format
- Support LWC/Aura support for both LWC and Aura deployments
- Deploy on save automatically deploy Salesforce Metadata to the connected org on save
- Deploy multiple metadata files deploy one or more Salesforce Metadata components directly from within VSCode
- Refresh/Export metadata refresh or export one or more Salesforce Metadata components with a single click of your mouse
- Easy creation of APEX classes automatically generate a boiler plate class definitions and -meta.xml file for APEX Classes, Triggers and more
- Execute anonymous execute anonymous APEX with a configurable log level and profiling and directly open the log in VSCode after execution
- Execute Salesforce REST APIs easy Salesforce RESP API testing directlly opening the response in VScode
- Delete metadata from org delete Salesforce Metadata components from your org from within vscode
- ** Salesforce Logs viewer** using the integrated Log viewer you can view and open Salesforce debug logs directly from VSCode

- Retrieve & refresh Vlocity datapacks from within Visual Studio Code simplifying your workflow
- Deploy exported Vlocity datapacks with a single click from within Visual Studio Code
- Export any datapack enabled object directly from within VSCode.
- Run Yaml Job Run any YAML job file directly from VSCode.

- Open in Salesforce directly open any Vlocity object in Salesforce.
- Clone Datapack clone any Datapack object from your IDE, usefull for cloning products or templates directly from VSCode
- Rename Datapack change the name of a Datapack and rebuild the file structure to match the new name
- Rebuild parentkeys rebuild and verify your source code for missing dependencies and rebuild the dependency graph
- Check Integrity Check datapack integrity by finding missing references and rebuilding ParentKey files
- Admin Commands Vlocode integrates common admin commands for Vlocity:
- Refresh Pricebook Refreshes pricebook entries on the currently connected Salesforce org
- Refresh Product Hierarchy Refresh the product hierarchy cache for the Vlocity CPQ
- Update Product Attributes (JSON) Refresh the product attribute JSON definitions based on the attribute assignments

- Datapack explorer view all exportable objects available in the connected org and export them with a single click

- Easy setup Simplified setup based on SFDX using session tokens instead; no need to acquire security tokens or copy-past passwords and usernames around.
- SFDX Support username or alias to login to Salesforce
- Basic knowledge of Vlocity datapacks
- Access to an Salesforce instance with the Vlocity managed package installed
Using a .vlocode
config rule
Instead of configuring Vlocode through VSCodes workspace and user level settings you can also override configuration settings using a workspace-folder .vlocode
-file. This allows to force a certain configuration value and can be usefull to ensure all developers on the project use the same configuration for exporting vlocity and Salesforce metadata
Sample of a .vlocode
"customJobOptionsYaml": "./vlocity/dataPacksJobs/default.yaml",
"projectPath": "./vlocity/src",
"salesforce": {
"apiVersion": "48.0"
Extension Settings
This extension contributes the following settings:
: Path to the folder containing the Vlocity datapacks relative to the workspace's root folder, for example:
: Enable verbose logging to the output window
: Automatically activate deployed datapacks
: Path to the custom YAML that is used during deployment and export, see the official Vlocity Build repository for documentation on the format of this file.
: SFDX username; when this is specified the username, password, loginUrl and instanceUrl are ignored.